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Hey there! I'm Jordan

A certified life coach specializing in supporting women’s mental health and resilience, Murphy’s Her Voice Matters podcast has quickly gained international recognition, with listeners applauding her raw, authentic conversations on emotional abuse and self-worth. Murphy emphasizes that it is essential for women to acknowledge and experience their emotions fully as part of their healing process. “If you ignore your emotions, you end up delaying your healing,” she says. “A lot of women deal with the shame of how long they stayed in a toxic relationship instead of giving themselves credit for their capacity to love. That resilience is something to be proud of.”

"The greatest glow up after narcissistic abuse is to work on things no man can take away from you. Things like healing, mindset, skillsets, and knowledge."

- Jordan Murphy


Her Voice Matters is so much more than just a podcast! It's a place to heal together so we can stop hurting the people who love us the absolute most. The Her Voice Matters Podcast is more than just a platform; it is a community of survivors and advocates dedicated to empowering women and reclaiming their voices. By sharing our stories and insights, we create a ripple effect of change that extends far beyond each episode.

With a growing listener base and a mission that resonates worldwide, Jordan Murphy’s work with Her Voice Matters is empowering countless women to break their silence, embrace their emotions, and walk boldly toward healing.

“One of the worst things about being with a narcissist is the confusion that comes along with it. You know you’re in trouble when you begin to wonder if you are the narcissist.”

- Jordan Murphy

Featured News Articles

Breaking the Silence: How Jordan Murphy Is Empowering Abuse Survivors

Jordan dreams of being involved in numerous women’s conferences, breaking the silence surrounding emotional abuse, and empowering more women to share their stories. Her vision is to create a world where every woman feels heard, valued, and capable of thriving after trauma.

How Jordan Murphy Is Breaking the Silence of Emotional Abuse

The biggest challenges I faced were going through two divorces and wondering what everyone in my church would think of me,” Jordan recalls. “I overcame this by truly discovering my self-worth and realizing that none of that was my fault.

Silenced No More: Jordan Murphy's Her Voice Matters Podcast

With a growing listener base and a mission that resonates worldwide, Jordan Murphy’s work with Her Voice Matters is empowering countless women to break their silence, embrace their emotions, and walk boldly toward healing.

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